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Lab Experiments

Clinical Chemistry

AIM Labs offers a range of test panels utilizing Clinical Chemistry, the area of medical science that involves the analysis of bodily fluids for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Our scientists use chemical reactions to determine the levels of various chemical compounds. These chemical reactions are typically performed on serum and are used to detect and quantify different bodily fluids to help diagnose issues such as kidney and liver disorders, cardiac function, glucose levels, minerals and electrolytes.

Chemistry Class

Common Tests Include:


Albumin - A protein that makes up about 60% of protein in blood. It is responsible for transporting hormones, vitamins and calcium throughout the body.


Alanine Amintotransferase (ALT) - Liver function test that detects early liver disease


Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) - Liver function test that also tests for bile duct obstruction, gallbladder disease or bone disorders


Aspartate transaminase (AST) - Liver function tests that shows not only liver damage but also can show damage to other organs such as the heart and kidneys


Amylase - An enzyme produced by the pancreas that aids in food digestion. Elevated levels can show a disorder of the pancreas, infection or alcoholism.


Calcium - A crucial mineral in the body that aids in the proper functioning of nerves and muscles in addition to the formation of bones and a healthy cardiovascular system.


Chloride - An electrolyte that help regulate the number of fluids and acid base balance in the body. It is often used to diagnose or monitor conditions such as kidney disease, heart failure, liver disease and high blood pressure.


Cholesterol - Fat produced by the liver that can help determine heart disease or other heart illnesses.


CO2 - Waste product made by the body that is carried by blood to the lungs. An abundant or inadequate amount of CO2 in the blood can indicate a health problem


C-Reactive Protein - A protein in blood that indicates inflammation and asses cardiovascular disease.


Creatinine Kinase - Enzyme that is found in the skeletal muscles and heart. Elevated levels can indicate damage or  disease of the skeletal muscles, heart or brain.


Creatinine - Normal end product of creatine (an amino acid found in muscle) High levels can indicate major kidney problems or massive injuries in muscles.


Direct Bilirubin - Attached by the liver to glucuronic acid (a glucose- derived acid) that helps determine liver disease


DLDL - Low density lipoprotein that is considered “bad” cholesterol. Elevated levels are associated with an increased risk of hardening of the arteries and heart disease


Gamma-glutamyl Transferase (GGT) - An enzyme that is found in many organs with the highest concentrations found in the liver. GGT is elevated in the blood in most diseases that cause damage to the liver or bile ducts.


Glucose - A carbohydrate that supplies energy to the body. The level of glucose in the blood is used in the diagnosis and treatment of carbohydrate metabolic disorders such as diabetes


HDL - High-density lipoprotein that is considered “good” cholesterol that carries cholesterol from other parts of the body back to the liver to be removed from the body.


Iron Panel (Includes TIBC calculation) - Essential nutrient that is required for the production of healthy red blood cells. It is a crucial part of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that binds to oxygen in the lunges and releases as it circulates to other parts of the body.


Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) - An enzyme that plays an important role in making energy that supplies all of the organs in the body. When these organs are damaged, they release LDH into the bloodstream. Elevated levels can indicate organ damage or disease.


Lipase - An enzyme produced by the pancreas that aids in the breakdown of fats to fatty acids, glycerol or other alcohols.


Magnesium - Type of electrolyte that the body needs to help muscles, nerves and the heart to work properly. Also helps to regulate blood pressure and blood sugar.


Phosphorus - Vital for energy production, muscle and nerve function and bone growth. Also plays an important role as a buffer, helping to maintain the body’s acid-base balance.


Potassium - An electrolyte that helps control muscle and nerve activity, maintain fluid levels and also helps maintain the body’s acid-bases balance.


Rheumatoid Factor - Protein produced by the immune system that can attack healthy tissues in the body. High levels are most often associated with autoimmune disease.


Sodium - An electrolyte that helps maintain fluid levels and balance of chemicals in the body. Elevated levels indication kidney disease, dehydration or other medical conditions.


Total Protein - Measures two types of protein produced in the body-albumin and globulin. Used to diagnose certain issues like fatigue, kidney function or liver disease.


Total Bilirubin - The total sum of bilirubin produced by the body. Aids in the detection of liver disease.


Transferrin - Main protein in blood that binds to iron and transports it throughout the body. Aids in the diagnosis of iron deficiency or iron overload.


Triglycerides - A type of fat found in blood. During digestion, the body converts any calories it doesn’t need to use immediately into triglycerides that are stored in fat cells. Elevated levels are often a sign of heart disease, obesity, stroke or metabolic syndromes.


Urea Nitrogen - A waste product that is formed from the metabolism of protein, which is then carried to the kidneys and eliminated in urine.


Uric Acid - Normal body waste product found in blood. An excess of uric acid can form and collect in joints that can lead to painful inflammation called gout.


Urine Microalbumin - A urine test that checks for small amounts of the protein albumin that can be a sign of kidney disease.

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